Portable ECG Monitor with SpO2 and temperature measurements

Do you feel discomfort? Don’t just guess; take a reading to help give your doctor a clearer understanding


Continuous heart rate monitoring and immediate heartbeat detection are primary concerns in contemporary new era of smart, proactive healthcare. With an electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring device, it can evaluate the health of your heart, detect irregularities and abnormal rhythms with quick accuracy. A detailed analysis on changes in such ECG mitigates potential risks of heart-related conditions and can possibly save your life in the nick of time with early intervention. 1. Quick and easy to use 3-in-1 instant real-time readings of ECG, Sp02 and temperature with high accuracy 2. ECG records waveform in 30 seconds with multiple parameters measured: Heart Rate, QRS duration, ST segment and rhythm analysis. 3. Save results in smartphone app or desktop PC, with retrievable professional data 4. Compact, lightweight and portable

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ECG Measurement

ECG Measurement without cable

Lead I - press the left electrode to the left palm Lead II - press the left electrode to the left lower abdomen

ECG Measurement with Cable

Lead I - Palms facing up, place electrodes in the middle of right and left wrists Lead II - Place electrodes at right side of upper chest and left lower abdomen.

SpO2 Saturated Oxygen Measurement


The Checkme Health Monitor measures the amount of oxygen in your blood (SpO2), your pulse rate (PR) and pulse index (PI). The oxygen saturation (SpO2) is measured and displayed as a percentage of full capacity.

SpO2 Measurement Without Cable

Insert the forefinger into the built-in SpO2 sensor

SpO2 Measurement With Cable

Connect the external SpO2 sensor to the multi-functional connector.

Data Management

Free PC Software and App

The device comes with a user-friendly mobile and PC app that allows individuals to track and analyze their health data, and print out a hardcopy. This can be particularly useful for identifying trends and patterns, which can help individuals to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

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PC screenshot 1.jpg
PC screenshot 2.jpg


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App generated report

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PC software generated report

Handheld ECG Monitor

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